Fortin.     Czech and Slovak Ancestors.     Genealogical services.  


We offer

–  research in the field of family history and elaboration of a family genealogy with an original or hand-painted family tree 

–  genealogical researches and transcripts of historical texts

–  the history of your family house

–  preserving the memories of your grandparents and the unique memory of the family in the family chronicle kronice

How to start

– look for birth, marriage and death certificates or other registration documents at home or with relatives

– compile a simple diagram in the form of a family tree with your known ancestors, add information without documentation as well 

– think out what form of genealogy research you would like to order, what information and which ancestors you are interested in

– if you decide to use our services, you can meet us in person in Prague or send the information and documentation photographed or scanned by e-mail or by post

– registry records younger than 100 years (but also older, if they are written in a book containing younger records) are protected by law and are accessible only to direct descendants or authorized representatives – we can find them only on the basis of an official power of attorney and a certified copy of the document proving kinship (birth or marriage certificate)

We will advise you on everything, you can only start with your birth certificate.


What can be found and where

Basic types of research

– paternal or maternal line: there are sought individual generations of fathers, bearers of family surnames or mothers, bearers of family memory and customs 
– genealogy: a complex form of research based on one ancestor and all his descendants
– tree: contains all the ancestors of the starting person, for three generations 14 people, for six 126 people
– list of house owners
– family chronicle: talks with witnesses, stories


Most of the documents are stored in seven State Regional Archives or in one of the district archives, or in the National or Military Historical Archives in Prague.

– church funds: registry records of births, confessions, deaths, exams of fiancés, parish chronicles

– lordship funds: land books and registers, lists of subjects

– population censuses: tax registers, Teresian and Joseph cadastres, censuses

– funds of municipalities and guilds: chronicles and various personal documents of the inhabitants, house lists, work books, wedding contracts, police applications

– school funds: certificates and school registers

– real estate cadastres: cadastral contracts, land registers, construction plans

– military funds: service documentation of professional soldiers

Price list


CZK 500

Finding of 1 record

Consultation with the client

Record translation

Transcription from German script

Suited for genealogies and family trees


CZK 15.000

Finding of 30 records

1 paternal or maternal line

Consultation with the client

Records translation

Trancsription from German script


CZK 60.000

Research on the extent of 4 paternal lines

Writing a family chronicle

Original ancestral tree

Consultation with the client

Records translation

Transcription from German script

prices can be set according to individual client requirements for the research
– individual archival or cadastral researches: CZK 500 for 1 hour of research
– transcripts of historical texts: CZK 50 for 1 registry record and CZK 300 for 1 page of historical text
– use of the personal car for transport to archives and offices outside Prague: CZK 6 per 1 km

Write us

How to contact us

František Fortin, Svépomoci 261, Prague 5, 15600 Czech Republic


Czech ancestors, rodokmeny, genealogie

+420 775 542 213

IČO: 66042216